Non-neuronal cells make up half the cell population in our brain, and yet we do not fully understand their role in neurodegenerative diseases


Our mission is to understand how astrocytes, which are multifunctional non-neuronal cells, interact with their environment. We are also interested in the discovery of neuroprotective natural products that could slow or stop disease progression.

We are neurobiologists.

We are fascinated by the brain and its complexity. How do neuronal and non-neuronal cells interact? How are brain-periphery immune communications regulated and what is the role of the blood-brain barrier? What changes occur in Parkinson’s disease to alter this fine-tuned balance?

We are ethnobotanists.

Human populations all over the world rely on medicinal plants as a primary source of medicine. Our research aims to support the use of phytomolecules to improve human health, and propose a culturally-safe approach to healthcare.

Who we are